Remember back when 3-pound average daily gains were sizzling good, and 5-pound gains were almost unheard of. Take a peek at the gains in the latest report from Pennsylvania's Bull Testing Program.
The 56-day weight results for a record 160 bulls on test turned in big numbers. The group includes 92 Angus, 36 Simmentals, 15 Herefords, nine Red Angus, four crossbreds, three Limousin and one Charolais.
An Adams County Angus was the leading gainer, putting on 6.96 pounds a day with a lifetime weight per day of age at 4.06 pounds. The 92 Angus on test averaged 5.30 pounds per day.
The fastest-gaining Simmental bull from Bedford County gained 6.63 pounds per day, while the 36 Simmentals on test averaged 4.87 pounds.
A Berks County Hereford led 15 Hereford bulls on test with a 5.32 pound average, while the group averaged 4.41 pounds.
A Clinton County Red Angus gained 6.12 pounds a day, while the nine Red Angus bulls averaged 4.98 pounds.
The lone Charolais gained 4.07 pounds a day.
Three Limousins averaged 3.82 pounds per day, while the crossbreds gained 3.82 to 4.62 pounds.
Bulls head for Expo
Top-performing bulls will head into the sale ring for 35th Annual Performance Tested Bull Sale on Friday, Mar. 28, in conjunction with the 19th annual Pennsylvania Beef Expo.
The Pennsylvania Beef Expo serves as the largest event in the state exclusively featuring beef cattle. Other events featured at the Beef Expo include a Simmental Breeding Cattle Sale on Friday, March 28, at 3 p.m. at the Livestock Evaluation Center, junior activities and shows, and a large trade show.
For more on the performance testing programs and sales, contact Glenn Eberly at 814-238-2527 or [email protected].
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