Here's a New Year's Resolution you can make today and keep. You can keep it because you need to begin work on it right away and complete it by mid-February. Nominate someone you know and respect as a farmer and leader to be a Master Farmer. The award is sponsored by Indiana Prairie Farmer and the Purdue University College of Agriculture.
The one-page nomination form is easy to find. Simply go back to the home page of this Website. Scroll down and on the left side, you will find a block of blue links. One says "Magazines Online." You can find past issues there from the most current to magazines dating back to 2006.
Previous awardee: Mike Beard, Frankfort, as a Master Farmer, class of 2003, because someone nominated him. Now it's your turn!
Another link in blue in this block says "Master Farmer." Click on it and you will go to the Master Farmer site. There is the nomination form you need in two different formats. Sorry, the submission must be in writing, it's not electronic. So copy the form, pick your nominee and look for someone who can supply information. You will also need to identify six people to write letters of support for you. The entire package must be submitted postmarked by Feb. 16, 2015.
Jim Luzar, Extension educator in Vigo County, was interested in considering the nomination for several possible people he admires for their contributions to agriculture. He wanted a handy way to know if someone had been nominated and received the award before. Nominations can only come from the public (in this case an Extension educator) – not from magazine staff.
There is a list of all past winners, from 1968 when the modern version started, complete through 2014 on the site. If you want to know if someone who are considering is already a Master Farmer, check the list.
What you're likely to find is you may think they are a Master Farmer, but they're no on the list. No one has taken the initiative to nominate them. This is your chance!
Any questions? Email [email protected] or call 317-431-8766.
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