July 22, 2016
The Farm Service Agency has launched a new tool to provide farmers and ranchers with remote access to their personal farm information using their home computers. Farmers and ranchers can now view, print or export their personal farm data all without visiting an FSA county office.
The program, known as FSAfarm+, provides secure access to view your personal FSA data, such as base and yields, Conservation Reserve Program data, other conservation program acreage, Highly Erodible Land Conservation and Wetland Conservation status information, field boundaries, farm imagery, name and address details, contact information, and membership interest and shares in the operation. This data will be available in real time, at no cost to the producer and allow operators and owners to export and print farm records, including maps. Producers also can electronically share their data with a crop insurance agent from their own personal computer.
What you’ll need
Farm operators and owners first will need “Level 2 eAuthentication” to access the web portal. This level of security ensures that personal information is protected for each user. Level 2 access can be obtained by going to eauth.usda.gov, completing the required information and then visiting your local FSA office to finalize access.
For more information on FSAfarm+, the customer self-service portal, contact your local FSA office. To find your local FSA county office, go to offices.usda.gov.
Source: South Dakota FSA
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