Wallaces Farmer

FBI: Rural Crime Rate Is IncreasingFBI: Rural Crime Rate Is Increasing

FBI crime statistics show a drop in overall crime rate in the United States, while rural areas are seeing a slight increase in property crime.

February 15, 2012

4 Min Read

The FBI's latest crime statistics show a drop in the overall crime rate in the United States, while rural areas are seeing a slight increase in property crime. Non-metro areas (rural and suburban) are seeing a rise in burglaries (1.2%) and larceny-theft (3.2%) for the latest year. Although small, these increases are a reminder that rural communities are often thought of as "safe" but crime is still present.

These recently released FBI statistics are for the year 2010 compared to the previous year. There are two main ways to limit farm-related property crime. First, make the place is less attractive for criminals to target.

There are things you can do to improve security and protect your property

First, are the on-farm aspects which would include activities aimed at reducing a farm's most significant vulnerabilities. In other words, make the farm a less attractive place for criminals to target.

The primary goal for a farm operator is to make getting to the sensitive or vulnerable areas on a farm, to commit a crime, more difficult. Here are some things that can be done to improve farm security:

Limit the number of entryways into the farm. Ensure the farmstead and production areas are well-fenced and gates that are not in use are locked. A single farm entry, parking area and exit point ensures anyone coming to the farm will be more easily noticed and identified.

This strategy also enables the use of a visitor's policy to manage and track farm visitors and vendors for business and biosecurity purposes.

Provide external lighting around sensitive areas on the farm. Much like cockroaches, those interested in property crime are less likely to be out in the open when potential targets are well-lit.

Consider adding security lighting to areas, such as: farm shops and tool storage areas, fuel, pesticide, fertilizer and chemical storage structures and tanks, grain bins and loading/unloading areas.

Place the master switches for fuel pumps and grain-handling equipment inside a locked building. Lock feed valves and valve handles.

Some farms have even made the move to using surveillance cameras. There is also evidence the visibility of the farm structures and equipment from the farm residence is related to a reduced likelihood of theft.

Store high-value tractors and harvesting equipment in visible areas if there are no buildings available.

If equipment is left in the field overnight, remove rotors, distributor caps or batteries to limit the potential for theft. Lock tool boxes and fuel caps to limit potential vandalism opportunities.

Consider placing a permanent identification number on farm equipment to help identify stolen equipment. At the same time the prominent placement of signage indicating that equipment is "tagged' may help serve as a further deterrent to theft and help identify stolen equipment later.

There are a number of "Owner Applied Numbering" schemes in use across the United States. Check with local law enforcement to see if there is a program at work in your state. There are also privately operated equipment registries such as the National Equipment Registry where individual pieces of equipment can be registered for a fee.

Livestock should be permanently identified and regularly inventoried to speed the discovery of loss and aid in returning them. FBI statistics indicate the value of livestock stolen in the U.S. in 2010 was over $19 million and only 12.8% of that was later recovered.

Young stock in pens or hutches should not be housed or fed by the roadside. Cattle on pasture (particularly pasture not visible from the farmstead) should be checked daily. Posting signage communicating the fact each animal is permanently identified can act as a deterrent to theft.

Use "Neighborhood Watch" program, keep in touch with your county sheriff department.

The second major leg of improved farm security involves engagement with the local law enforcement and community. Because farm operations often sprawl across multiple sections or miles, it can be difficult to keep all parts of the operation under regular observation. To do so would require many eyes and significant time.

Farm operators can add to the available eyes by engaging with the surrounding community in a Rural Neighborhood Watch program and coordinating with local law enforcement. In such a program, rural homeowners would be encouraged to keep their eyes open for unusual traffic or activity in their area.

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