April 10, 2024
Mike Pearson tells listeners how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has finalized emission requirements for heavy trucks in late March and how it could impact the environment.
It was nearly a year ago that the EPA issued it's first update for heavy truck emissions covering model years 2027-2032.
These requirements cover heavy duty vehicles used for work like delivery/utility and garbage trucks , school buses and all types of semi-trucks.
The move is part of the EPA's heavy truck plan which aims to cut heavy truck greenhouse gas emissions by one billion tons by 2050.
Despite push back by heavy truck and biofuels groups, the EPA finalized these rules. The agency says the final rules allow truck buyers to access a range of technology to reduce the emissions and the law will save truck operators money as fuel efficiency grows. But the trucking industry isn't buying it.
Two of the major trucking associations, American Trucking Association and the Owner/Operator/Independent Drivers Association urge the EPA to slam the brakes on these new rules.
Chris Sphere with the American Trucking Association says the timelines and targets are unachievable.
Todd Spencer, of the OIDA says the EPA is ignoring the wishes of the truckers.
Truckers move 73 percent of the everything in the USA and this will have an impact on costs for everything.
Both groups say the new requirements could be road blocks and hurt the economy.
Truckers also say the EPA could reach their goals by embracing biofuels instead of batteries.
The Clean Fuels Alliance says biodiesel and renewable fuels should be reviewed to see how they meet the emission standards.
Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness.
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