October 29, 2018
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is asking for public input on the draft Stewardship Guidelines and Best Management Practices for Neonicotinoid Insecticide-Treated Seed.
The BMPs were developed in response to special registration review on neonicotinoid insecticides. The BMPs will help minimize the impact of neonicotinoid-treated seed on insect pollinators, according to the agency.
MDA, in cooperation with University of Minnesota Extension and others, developed the BMPs to address the potential risk to pollinators from the seed treatment dust during planting season.
The proposed BMPs include:
• adopting an Integrated Pest Management plan
• using multiple control methods — cultural, mechanical and biological — to avoid or reduce pest risk
• not relying solely on seed treatments
• following directions on neonic-treated seed bags for proper handing, storage and use; and planting treated seeds at the recommended rate and depth
• understanding hazard statements on labels as they relate to pollinators
• attending education programs to minimize dust while planting
• assessing and maintaining planters to minimize dust, for proper calibration, etc.
• selecting proper lubricants to minimize dust
• planting during appropriate weather conditions
• preventing and cleaning up seed spills and properly disposing of spilled seed
• cleaning the planter away from areas where pollinators are foraging
The BMP document can be viewed at MDA's BMPs for Pollinators and Their Habitat webpage.
The comment period will be open until Dec. 20. On completion of the 60-day comment period, MDA will consider further revisions to the BMPs based on comments received.
Once finalized, the revised Stewardship Guidelines and Best Management Practices for Neonicotinoid Insecticide-Treated Seed will be made available on MDA’s website.
Comments and questions can be directed to Gurinderbir Chahal, [email protected] or 651-201-6237 or: Gurinderbir Chahal, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 625 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55155.
Source: MDA
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