February 22, 2017

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Growers concerned about bacterial blight can look to Stoneville® cotton for several varieties that offer disease resistance in addition to strong vigor, high yield potential and premium fiber quality.
Bacterial blight resistance is important in variety selection because it’s the only consistently impactful management decision for this emerging disease.
“Bacterial blight is a disease of emerging importance. I think we’ve always had a background level of bacterial blight,” says Bob Kemerait, University of Georgia Extension plant pathologist.
“I think over the past few years, with susceptible varieties and some other things, we’ve seen an increase in the level of pressure,” Kemerait says. “The way to manage it is to choose resistant varieties, plant clean seed and manage crop debris.”
Emphasis on “choose resistant varieties.”
“Planting resistant varieties is really the only thing you can do to consistently control bacterial blight,” says Josh Mayfield, Bayer regional agronomist. “The good thing is growers who are concerned with bacterial blight can look to several Stoneville varieties for resistance. Add your cotton-production knowledge and skill to our science to increase your opportunity for profit.”
Mayfield points to Stoneville 5115GLT, ST 5020GLT and ST 6448GLB2 for industry-leading resistance to bacterial blight and exceptional yield potential.
ST 5115GLT. A medium maturing variety, ST 5115GLT is known for excellent seedling vigor, good fiber quality and high gin turnout. This variety responds well under irrigation and comes equipped with the Bayer proprietary trait package of GlyTol® LibertyLink® TwinLink® (GLT), which offers proven, in-season weed management with Liberty® and glyphosate herbicides and TwinLink, a two-gene worm protection trait.
ST 5020GLT. A new variety released in January 2017, ST 5020GLT offers the best fiber package in this brand and delivers stable performance across a wide range of environments. Bred for the Eastern Cotton Belt – including the Southeast, Delta and Mid-Atlantic, ST 5020GLT delivers the exclusive Bayer weed- and worm-resistance traits growers need to manage their crops for high yield: TwinLink®, to provide season-long resistance to a broad spectrum of worms; and GlyTol® and LibertyLink® to control herbicide-resistant and tough weeds with the unique mode of action provided by Liberty herbicide.
ST 6448GLB2. A full-season variety, ST 6448GLB2 provides outstanding yield potential and very good fiber quality, performs well under irrigation or on dryland and provides the added benefits of herbicide flexibility and crop safety to full-labeled rates of glyphosate and Liberty. It is well adapted for the Southeast, South Delta, Mid-Atlantic and South Texas cotton-growing areas. It has excellent seedling vigor, resulting in consistent stand establishment.
Learn more about fighting bacterial blight.
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