Farm Progress

Optimize your cotton yield with a balanced soil fertility programOptimize your cotton yield with a balanced soil fertility program

2 Min Read

If your cotton crop is not taking up enough of just one essential nutrient, it can shortchange the productivity of the plant and ultimately the profits. Raising a healthy and higher-yielding cotton crop requires a precise nutrient management plan that provides the right nutrients, at the right rates, at exactly the right time.

Potassium, magnesium and sulfur are especially critical components of a balanced soil fertility program and a growing cotton crop.

Potassium is crucially important during early boll set; shortages of potassium will likely result in lower yields. Potassium increases crop water use efficiency, and it activates more than 80 different plant enzymes responsible for protein synthesis, starch formation and cell division.

Magnesium is at the center of the chlorophyll molecule, involved in protein synthesis, enzyme systems and oil synthesis. Maintaining a proper balance between potassium and magnesium in the soil and in plant tissues is important to sustaining cotton yields. High levels of added potassium can inhibit uptake of magnesium.

Sulfur is essential for protein production. Since cottonseed is rich in protein, it’s not surprising that cotton requires a relatively large amount of sulfur. Plants deficient in sulfur tend to be short, with few vegetative branches and small bolls. Sulfur shortages are more common in sandy, low-organic matter soils. The Clean Air Act of 1990 has reduced sulfur in the air contributing to more widespread sulfur deficiencies.

With the proper amount of potassium, magnesium and sulfur combined into each granule, K-Mag® fertilizer is proven to enhance your crop quality while increasing yields. Ensure your cotton crop has all the nutrients it needs to thrive. Visit to learn about adding K-Mag to your balanced crop nutrition program.

LEGAL: ©2017 The Mosaic Company. All rights reserved. K-Mag is a registered trademark of The Mosaic Company.

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