May 7, 2009
Bayer CropScience has released details of the 2009 Shared Risk Program, which gives growers the opportunity to decrease certain risks in planting a crop. The program encourages cotton growers to use best management practices and shares with growers the cost of replanting Bayer CropScience cotton seed brands or losing their final cotton planting due to certain weather events.
Shared Risk Program replant coverage offers options to compensate for:
Replanting FiberMax, Stoneville and AFD cotton seed.
Retreating cottonseed varieties originally treated with Aeris insecticide/nematicide seed treatment, Temik insecticide/nematicide, Trilex Advanced fungicide seed treatment or Gaucho Grande seed-applied insecticide.
Shared Risk Program crop loss coverage offers options to compensate for:
LibertyLink trait portion of FiberMax cotton seed and Ignite herbicide used with LibertyLink cotton.
Stance plant regulator used on FiberMax, Stoneville or AFD cotton seed varieties.
“Bayer CropScience is committed to the success of the cotton grower and is willing to share in the annual risks associated with producing a crop,” said Jeff Brehmer, U.S. marketing manager, FiberMax and Stoneville cotton. “Last year, High Plains growers faced wind and blowing sand early in the season, and coastal growers faced hurricane damage before harvest. This year, growers face a drought in the Southwest. The Shared Risk Program is available as a resource to help growers when these situations arise.”
Growers must submit claims to the seed dealer from whom the seed was purchased. For a crop loss situation, the dealer must contact their local Bayer CropScience sales representative within 10 days of the loss. The seed dealer must contact the local Bayer CropScience sales representative prior to replant.
For complete program details, contact your local Bayer CropScience sales representative, distributor, retailer or visit
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