Dakota Farmer

Record North Dakota Corn, Bean Crops

Production forecast at record high 160 million bushels for soybean and 407 million bushels for corn.

November 18, 2012

2 Min Read

Here's the latest on North Dakota crop production estimates from the National Agricultural Statistics Service:

Soybean production in North Dakota is forecast at a record high 160 million bushels, unchanged from the October forecast and up 42 percent from the 2011 crop.  Area to be harvested is estimated at a record high 4.7 million acres, up 19 percent from 2011. Based on conditions as of November 1, yields are expected to average 34 bushels per harvested acre, unchanged from October and up 5.5 bushels from last year.


Corn for grain production is estimated at a record high 407 million bushels, up 4 percent from the October forecast and up 88 percent from last year. Area to be harvested for grain is estimated at a record high 3.39 million acres, up 65 percent from 2011. Corn for grain yields are expected to average 120 bushels per harvested acre, up 5 bushels from the October forecast and up 15 bushels from last year.

Dry edible pea production is estimated at 4.49 million cwt (hundredweight), up 287 percent from last year. Area to be harvested is estimated at 230,000 acres, up 188 percent from last year. Average yield is estimated at 1,950 pounds per harvested acre, up 500 pounds from last year.

Lentil production is forecast at 1.88 million cwt, up 128 percent from last year. Area for harvest is estimated at 158,000 acres, up from 77,000 acres in 2011. Average yield is estimated at 1,190 pounds per harvested acre, up 120 pounds from last year.

Production forecasts in this report are based on yield projections and acreage reports collected from a cross-section of North Dakota producers on or around November 1. This report is based on conditions at the time and assumes no extreme conditions during the remainder of the crop season.


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