November 12, 2012
Land managers and range livestock producers will discover technologies available for developing grazing plans and increasing rangeland productivity during Pasture Geeks classes in Wyoming's Douglas County.
Web Soil Survey and Grazing Response Index is the first class at 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Nov. 19 in Room 2 on the Eastern Wyoming College Campus. Lunch will be provided.
"It will be a fun class with a lot of hands-on activities and learning," says Ashley Garrelts, University of Wyoming Extension range management educator in Converse County. "Hopefully, participants will leave the class with a better understanding of technology and how it can be used in grazing plans."
Making sure pasture is well tended is the focus of upcoming Pasture Geeks classes in Wyoming.
Pre-registration before the first class is requested by Nov. 14. Class size will be limited to 20, and the cost of each class is $40 to cover handouts, a jump drive and use of computers at the college.
Subsequent Pasture Geeks classes are set for:
Nov. 26 – Google Earth and Planning a Grazing System.
Dec. 3 – Ecological site descriptions and state and transition models.
The Converse County University of Wyoming Extension office, in partnership with Converse County Conservation District and the Wyoming Private Lands Grazing Team, is sponsoring the classes which are intended to leave attendees with the following information:
•The ability to navigate Web Soil Survey and the Ecological Site Information System.
•Understanding of why and how technology can be helpful when determining grazing management.
•Understanding of how grazing management affects different plant communities.
•Ability to calculate the number of livestock a particular pasture can support based on management and environmental conditions.
•A toolbox of management and monitoring actions that will aid in increasing rangeland productivity and profitability.
•The opportunity to share information with peer geeks.
Scholarships for Pasture Geeks are available for those who cannot afford to pay the fees. Contact Garrelts at (307) 358-2417 or via email at [email protected].
There will also be a field activity for workshop students on May 15, 2013. For details go to click here.
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