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Ed and Paige Ritchie are one of three large-scale spinach producers/packers in Texas. They grow leafy greens in the Winter Garden area at Tiro Tres Farms. Take a look at collard harvest and how spinach is processed before it is trucked to the East Coast and Canada.

Turnrow talk: from left, Derik Graves, Helena Agri-Enterprises, Leslie Dominguez, Texas A&M AgriLife, and Paige Ritchie and her father Ed visit at one of their Savoy spinach fields. (Photo by Shelley E. Huguley)
By the way, what is your favorite way to eat spinach? Ed likes it fresh or cooked in bacon grease. Paige prefers hers with bacon, tomatoes, and peppers. Personally, I like it fresh or sauteed with scrambled eggs.

Savoy spinach on Ed and Paige Ritchie's farm, Zavala County, Texas. (Photo by Shelley E. Huguley)
No matter how you take your spinach, learn more about production from the field through the Ritchie's processing plant in this photo gallery. (If you are viewing this on a mobile, the captions appear below the ads.)
Plus read, "Popeye's pick: Father/daughter grow supercharged greens."
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