November 2, 2007
During the 2007 growing season, growers saw tangible results from their decisions to include Stratego® fungicide from Bayer CropScience in their corn management practices. In fact, growers across the Midwest who used Stratego saw an average increase of more than 10 bushels per acre.
Stratego offers XLERATE Technology, which delays the aging of corn plant leaves, essentially extending their standard growing season. In the process, plants more readily absorb nitrogen along with other nutrients, moisture and sunlight. The result is greener plants that have increased tolerance to drought, high temperatures, disease and other stresses. Stratego treated plants also stand better at harvest than non-treated plants; this leads to better harvesting efficiencies and yield improvements.
“Stratego is unique in that it has two chemistries working together to deliver these yield-boosting and disease-fighting benefits to corn growers,” says Rick Kraus, Bayer CropScience operational marketing manager for soybeans and corn.
In field research tests, Stratego consistently improved corn yield results regardless of the year, hybrid planted or environmental conditions. Over a three-year period from 2004 through 2006, Stratego averaged a 10.7 bushel-per-acre yield improvement compared to untreated corn.
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