September 7, 2015
Regional leaders in livestock production, the veterinary community and the feed supply industry will be among the speakers at a Sept. 16 workshop in Ames, Iowa. The meeting will be focused on the stewardship of antimicrobial drug use in livestock. This is one of 12 such workshops the Farm Foundation is hosting on this topic across the country.
NEW RULES: The Food and Drug Administration's new rules on use of medications in livestock feed will be explained and discussed at a Sept. 16 workshop hosted by ISU in Ames.
Organized by the Farm Foundation, this workshop is an opportunity for participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of two "Guidance for Industry" notices recently issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The directives are in regard to the use of medically-important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals, as well as the FDA's revised Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD).
Workshop for livestock producers, veterinarians, feed suppliers
These two FDA actions mean some medically-important antimicrobial drugs will see label changes allowing only therapeutic uses, and use of the drugs will require a veterinarian's prescription for the drug, direct administration by a veterinarian, or a veterinary consultation on disease management protocols.
The September 16 workshop is targeted to all pork, cattle, poultry and sheep producers as well as veterinarians and feed suppliers in Iowa, eastern Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, western Illinois, northern Kansas and northern Missouri. The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and run until 4 p.m. at the Gateway Center Hotel, 2100 Green Hills Drive, in Ames. The ISU of College of Agriculture & Life Sciences is a cooperating partner for this workshop.
Officials of FDA and USDA will attend the workshop at Ames
Officials of FDA and USDA will be at the Ames workshop to review the policies and answer questions. Regional perspectives will be provided by a producer, veterinarian and feed supplier. On the Ames program are:
*Michael Murphy, DVM, Ph.D., JD, of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine
* Larry Granger, DVM, of the Antimicrobial Resistance Program at USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
* Gene Gourley of SGE Enterprises
* Josh Ellingson, DVM, of AMVC Management Services, along with Dave Kier of DFS Animal Nutrition
* Kevin Ochsner of Adayana Agribusiness Group, will moderate the workshop. Breakout sessions will allow producers, veterinarians and feed suppliers to discuss the management challenges ahead. The workshop is also an opportunity for state and federal agencies, colleges of veterinary medicine and university extension personnel, to gain insights into the changes needed to meet the requirements.
There is no charge to participate. Advanced registration, which is requested but not required, can be completed online or by going to the Farm Foundation website at This is one of 12 workshops the Farm Foundation is hosting on the topic across the country.
Whether or not you attend a workshop, complete this survey
To gauge awareness of the changes being put in place by FDA, and to learn more about the potential implications of these changes, the Farm Foundation is asking stakeholders to complete a brief survey. The survey is open to all livestock producers, feed suppliers and veterinarians, whether or not you attend the workshop. Go to to complete the survey. Survey results will only be gathered and reported in the aggregate. Survey results will be shared with workshop participants.
Comments gathered at this workshop will be the basis of a report assessing the economic and physical challenges facing producers as they implement the new Guidance For Industry rules and FDA's revised VFD or Veterinary Feed Directive. Information and educational needs will also be evaluated, as well as the role of veterinarians in monitoring and managing antimicrobial drug use.
The report will be compiled and then presented at a national summit to be convened by the Farm Foundation in late fall 2015. This will be an opportunity for farmers, ranchers, feed suppliers, veterinarians, academics and government agency staff to advance the conversation on the industry's adaptation to the changing landscape of antimicrobial drug use.
Many livestock producers have already taken action
Many livestock producers and businesses across the entire food and agricultural value chain have already taken action to reduce the use of medically-important antimicrobial drugs in food animal production.
FDA's two Guidance for Industry notices (GFI 209 and GFI 213) call on animal drug sponsors of approved medically-important antimicrobials administered through medicated feed or water to remove production uses (i.e., to promote growth or improve feed efficiency) from their product labels, and bring the remaining therapeutic uses of these products to treat, control, or prevent disease under the oversight of a veterinarian.
Manufacturers of products containing these medically-important antimicrobial drugs have voluntarily agreed to submit changes to their product labels to comply with the GFIs. FDA's revised Veterinary Feed Director, or VFD, addresses the increased veterinary oversight of medicated feeds called for by GFI 209 and GFI 213.
Bringing industry leaders together to examine this issue
A nonprofit organization, the Farm Foundation works as a catalyst for sound public policy by providing objective information to foster a deeper understanding of issues shaping the future for agriculture, food systems and rural regions. "Since its founding in 1933, the Farm Foundation has been a non-advocacy organization: we do not lobby or advocate positions. Our action comes in bringing industry leaders together to examine evolving issues that will shape the future of the industry. Antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals is just such an issue," says Sheldon Jones, vice president of programs, for the Farm Foundation.
About half of the Foundation's funding is from an endowment set up by its founders. The remainder is contributions from individuals, other foundations and companies who support the Foundation's work. For this project, support was received from JBS United, Hormel Foods Corporation, Jennie-O Turkey, Rose Acre Farms, Elanco Animal Health, J.R. Simplot Co., Irsik & Doll, C-ARC Enterprises, Hardin Farms, National Pork Producers Council, the National Pork Board and the North American Meat Institute.
Four of the 12 workshops have been completed. For a complete list of workshop sites, or to learn more about Farm Foundation, visit our website,
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