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Natural Resources Business Workshop To Help Landowners

Landowners can capitalize on what they already have by starting small-scale businesses.

July 29, 2013

1 Min Read

Michigan landowners will learn about opportunities to start a natural resources-based business on their properties during a workshop at the University Center in Gaylord from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 24.

Natural resources businesses include small-scale maple syrup making, mushroom production, trail riding, fee hunting and fishing, rural bed-and-breakfasts, and wildlife viewing.

During the event, hosted by Michigan State University Extension (MSU Extension), landowners will hear from Daryl Jones, coordinator of the Natural Resources Enterprises Program at Mississippi State University and a nationally known expert on this topic.


The workshop will also include presentations by landowners who have successfully started small-scale natural resources business and by Michigan natural resources experts on how to get started.  An afternoon bus tour around the Gaylord area will visit a variety of natural resources businesses.

"There are many excellent options for landowners to use the forest, wildlife, open fields and water resources on their property for hobbies or to generate income," said Dean Solomon, MSU Extension senior educator.

Solomon noted that, although the workshop is designed primarily for landowners, anyone is welcome to attend.

In addition to MSU Extension, this event is sponsored by Northeast Michigan Conservation Districts, Huron Pines, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Forestry Assistance Program and Mississippi State University.

Preregistration is $35 per person ($55 after Aug. 16).  The enrollment deadline is Aug. 21. To register or to get more information, visit www.events.anr.msu.edu/nrbusiness, or contact the MSU Charlevoix County Extension office at 231-582-6232.

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