March 22, 2016
The 2015 Certified Organic Survey (COS) is underway and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reminds California farmers and ranchers that it’s not too late to respond.
In early February, survey questionnaires were mailed nationwide to all known organic farms. In late March, NASS will conduct telephone follow up with producers who have not yet responded.
Some farmers may also be selected for in-person interviews to assist with data collection efforts.
The survey is voluntary.
The 2015 COS will provide vital data to assist farmers, suppliers, policymakers, plus those in the private sector in planning the production and marketing of new programs and products to help sustain industry growth.
For example, USDA’s Risk Management Agency will use the information to evaluate crop insurance coverage to help provide adequate pricing for organic producers in California.
The survey asks farmers to provide information on acreage, production, and sales for a variety of certified organic crop and livestock commodities.
NASS is also gathering information about certified organic farmers’ marketing practices and transitional data. The agency urges all participants to respond.
Producers can return their forms by mail or complete the survey online at
For more information visit
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