February 24, 2015

Volatility is the new norm – in crop growing extremes, in global grain and energy markets, and in political challenges here and abroad. Margins are shrinking and farmers need to identify and understand the issues that matter most in managing market risk. Ed Usset, CSD columnist, Bryce Knorr, senior editor of Farm Futures, and Matt Bennett, Channel Seed grain marketing consultant, will sort through the latest headlines to explore and debate questions that promise to roil the markets.
Questions they'll answer include:
How long can the demand for soybeans continue to grow?
What about the future of ethanol and corn demand?
Production costs and price trends - are the good times behind us?
What does it take to be a good grain marketer?
This expert commodity marketing lineup guarantees to present a lively, fun, fascinating and valuable debate on grain markets and marketing strategies. Come to the Learning Center session at Commodity Classic on Thursday, Feb. 26, 7 a.m. The session will be in the West building, room 301A.
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