February 2, 2009
Texas AgriLife Extension Service will join the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Wildlife Association to conduct the South Plains Agriculture,Wind and Wildlife Conference Feb. 13 at Lubbock’s American Wind Power Center and Museum.
The conference starts with a 7:30-8 a.m. registration.
The center is at 1701 Canyon Lake Dr., about three-quarters of a mile east of Interstate 27 off of 19th Street.
Ken Cearley, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist at Canyon, said attendees will hear legal, wildlife, real estate, industry, legislative and landowner viewpoints.
“Many South Plains landowners and managers are facing the decision of whether or not to pursue wind energy development on their land,” Cearley said. “This conference is intended to provide fodder for objective consideration and critical thinking regarding the benefits, disadvantages and associated tradeoffs wind energy can bring.”
Conference topics are to include: past, current and future of wind energy on the South Plains; wind turbine anatomy and construction; wind energy and wildlife; real estate impact and land appraisals; and small tract landowners and wildlife. There also will be a landowner panel sharing multiple perspectives.
Lubbock Mayor Tom Martin and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department executive director Carter Smith are slated to address the conference. A number of legislators are scheduled to participate as well.
Individual registration that includes lunch is $50. To register, go to: http://texas-wildlife.org or call Helen Holdsworth at 1-800-TEX-WILD.
For more information contact Cearley at 806-651-5760, [email protected]
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