Looking for ways to strengthen your farm management skills and improve your personal outlook headed into 2020? Consider attending a seminar slated for Feb. 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. EST in the Ivy Tech Community Room, 1 Ivy Tech Way, Logansport, Ind.
Sponsored by a firm operated by John Scwharz II, an ag lawyer and farm advocate, Royal Center, Ind., the seminar will draw experts from around the state and the country to answer questions about operating in tight financial times. Some of those questions relate to management skills. Others relate to how to cope with personal stress while operating a family farm today.
The program will include a comparison of ways to structure a farm business today, offered by Schwarz. Jeff Milligan, a CPA with Baker & Milligan, Logansport, will discuss opportunities to save on taxes using a limited liability company or corporation business structure. Milligan has practiced as a certified public accountant since 1993.
Todd Landrum, Ag Resource Management, Huntington, Ind., will discuss how to strengthen farm operations by obtaining loans based off crops and crop insurance instead of pledging land assets and equipment.
Andy Jenkins, Agricultural Strategy, an Iowa-based company, will address the importance of getting along and avoiding becoming a dysfunctional farm family operation. Attendees will receive a copy of his recent book, “Bulletproof Your Farm.”
Susan McClish founded Agri-File Solutions LLC, Howe, Ind., after retiring from more than 30 years with the Farm Service Agency. She will focus on knowing which farm programs are available, how best to apply for them, and how to file and document participation in farm programs.
Ted Matthews, an expert on mental health in rural America, will address issues farmers face today. A farm mental health counselor from St. Paul, Minn., he helps man the Minnesota Farm and Rural Helpline.
To reserve a spot at the seminar, call 574-643-9999. For more information, visit thefarmlawyer.com.
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