In recent years, Kansas farmers have started a trend of earlier planting dates, according to K-State experts. Moving the starting line for soybeans ahead of corn, in some cases, might work, but only if farmers keep a few things in mind, the experts say.
Ignacio Ciampitti, associate professor and integrated farming systems agronomist in the Department of Agronomy at Kansas State University, leads the Ciampitti Lab on campus.
His team reported in the March 28 “Agronomy eUpdate” that farmers are reporting they plan to plant soybeans earlier than usual in 2024. Last year, the 50% planted mark, reported by USDA-NASS, was reached about May 21 statewide, with planting progress moving closer to mid-May with optimal conditions.
“For Kansas, maximum soybean yield is reduced by 0.3 bu/a per day as planting dates get later in the season, with yield levels closer to 80-90 bu/a when planting in mid-April compared to 50 bu/a for planting in mid-July,” Ciampitti wrote.
The team cautions that colder soil temperatures, however, could slow soybean emergence, and that could lead to less uniform soybean fields.
“In addition, dry conditions in many areas of the state can further delay overall emergence and early-season uniformity,” Ciampitti wrote.
Recent research shows that early-season plant-to-plant uniformity could compromise yields, especially in low-yield environments, to the tune of about 35 bushels per acre.
To ensure success, the team reminds farmers:
If planting soybeans before corn, treat the seed with a fungicide and insecticide. Select for resistance to soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. Don’t plant in soils that are too wet, and resist planting until the soils reach 60 degrees or risk slow emerging seedlings with poor vigor.
Drier areas of Kansas on shallow soils see the most consistent yields with late May to early June planting dates. This puts the soybeans at bloom and seed fill in August to early September, with cooler nights and the worst of heat and drought stress over.
Remember, weather patterns, especially under dryland conditions, will dictate yield. Ciampitti’s team says the distribution and amount of rainfall, and the day and nighttime temperature variations around flowering and grain fill, have the largest impact on soybean yield. So, if there’s a higher risk of drought stress during the growing season, farmers might consider diversifying their planting dates.
Read more at eupdate.agronomy.ksu.edu/article_new/soybean-planting-date-and-maturity-group-selection-585-6.
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