November 30, 2018
Hall and Hall conducted a Montana ranch auction on November 19th of Warren Peak Ranch. The property, including 5,755 deeded acres and a full section of state leased land, was successfully auctioned at a final price of $10,395,000.
With 9 registered bidders in attendance, the auction was held at The Ranch at Rock Creek. A large portion of the ranch was owned by the Lord family for over 50 years, starting in 1949. Ed Lord, former president of the Montana Stockgrower's Association, was present at the auction and was gracious enough to provide an oral history of the ranch.
Situated 12 paved miles southwest of Philipsburg, Mont., the property is modestly improved and is essentially a clean slate for the new owner. Besides the stunning views, its beauty lies in over 1,200 acres of irrigated production and thousands of acres of timber and rangeland that offers both a summer home for livestock and year-round wildlife habitat for deer and elk, as well as moose, black bears, mountain lions and even wolves on occasion. Snow skiing is 30 minutes away at Discovery Basin, and it is equidistant to the main stem of Rock Creek, a blue-ribbon trout fishery.
Source: Hall and Hall
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