January 19, 2012
The Louisiana Ag Industries Association will once again hold its annual meeting on February 8 and 9 in Marksville, Louisiana.
This is the fourth consecutive year that the convention will be held at the Paragon Casino and Resort, located in the central part of Louisiana. Representatives from the seed, chemical, fertilizer, grain, and feed industries will hear presentations on world fertilizer markets, industry updates, weather patterns for 2012, congressional updates, as well as other timely, market-driven information that affects not only Louisiana industries, but processors, and producers as well.
The format will include two half-day business sessions, beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 8, followed by a luncheon. A skeet shoot and golf tournament will also be held that afternoon for those wanting to participate. The meeting will conclude at noon on Feb. 9.
Registration will be $125 for current members and $175 for non-members. All agricultural industry, university, state and federal agency, and crop consultants are encouraged and invited to attend. Please contact Donna Morgan at [email protected] or (318) 229-9955 for more information.
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