Farm Progress

10 agriculture stories you should read today, July 110 agriculture stories you should read today, July 1

White gold to yellow gold. Remains of the Gulag. The dogs of livestock hell. Rape in the fields. Vegetarians no more. Jackpot from the sky. And more.

Chris Bennett

July 1, 2013

2 Min Read

1. From White Gold to Yellow Gold — Profound changes as agricultural land continues a march from cotton to corn. (Delta Farm Press)

2. Remains of the Gulag — Deep in Siberia, penal-colony prisoners still till the fields of Russia. (Daily Mail)

3. The Dogs that ate the Sheep Industry — A bullet to the head or heart brings $500 per dog — but it doesn’t matter, the wild dog hunters can't keep up. Feral dog numbers have reached epidemic proportions, leaving a livestock industry under siege. (Western Farm Press)

4. Rape in the Fields — Only a fraction of sexual harassment cases in agriculture make it to federal court. (Modern Farmer)

5. Where Corn is King, a New Regard for Grass-Fed Beef — In the four years since he settled, Prescott Frost has found himself set apart more than most. Where corn is king, he is on a quest to breed a better cow for the grass-fed beef industry. (New York Times)

6. A Beef with the 8 most Dangerous Foods — The dangers ain’t what they seem. (NPR)

7. When Nobody is Looking — Sixty percent of self-proclaimed vegetarians are eating meat on the sly? (Food Beast)

8. Farmer Finds Rare Meteorite in His Field — Farmer Bruce Lilienthal hit the jackpot when he found an odd rock on his land in 2011 — a 33-pound meteorite. (Star Tribune)

9. The Brilliant Colors of Farms and Fields — Photographer Larry Gerbrandt spent nine years capturing on camera luminous wheat fields and farms. (Daily Mail)

10. Old School Fermentation — Collaborations between scholars of ancient drink and independent brewers are resurrecting lost recipes. (New York Times)


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