April 15, 2016

A May 26-27 conference in College Station will cover a broad range of important topics pertaining to grass-fed beef production—including marketing opportunities and production trends. The conference is open to both beef producers and consumers.
Dr. Rick Machen, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service livestock specialist in Uvalde, said producers can learn about all aspects of grass-fed beef production techniques at the conference, which will be held at the Rosenthal Meat Science Building, 488 Olsen Blvd on the Texas A&M University campus.
“One of the highlights will be Jason Van Tassell with Paniolo Cattle Co., Parker Ranch in Hawaii,” Machen said. “This will be a great opportunity for conference participants to hear first-hand about grass-fed beef production practices from a producer. We are also excited to have Hawley Poinsett, senior nutrition manager with the Texas Beef Council, to share nutrition concepts and strategies.”
Forage sustainability will be another topic discussed in-depth at the conference, Machen said.
“As always, a significant emphasis in this year’s conference will be the importance of a sustainable forage supply in both quantity and quality, perhaps the most difficult part of a grass-fed beef production system.”
Topics and speakers the first day of the conference include:
-A view of the U.S. Beef Industry from 30,000 feet, Dr. Ron Gill, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist.
-Growing Forages for Grass-fed Beef, Dr. Monte Rouquette, Texas A&M AgriLife Research forage specialist, Overton.
-Your Check-off Dollars at Work, Russell Woodward, Texas Beef Council executive director, Austin.
-Defining Natural, Grass-fed and Organic Production Systems, Machen.
-Cattle Best Suited for Grass-fed Beef, Dr. Stephen Hammack, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Stephenville.
-Preventive Herd Health Management, Dr. Joe Paschal, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Corpus Christi.
-Adding Grass Finishing to a Cow/Calf Enterprise, Van Tassell.
Topics and speakers the second day of the conference includes:
-Fabrication from Carcass to Retail Cuts, Dr. Davey Griffin and Dan Hale, AgriLife Extension meats specialists, College Station.
-The Tale of Two Beefs, Hawley, senior nutrition manager, Texas Beef Council.
A producer panel will focus on producing and marketing grass-fed beef. Panelists include Sam Keller, Hillside Beef, Fredericksburg; Tassell; and Cody Marburger and Nichole Francis, Nolan Ryan Beef, Huntsville.
Registration is $250 through May 17 and $300 after. To register online, visit https://agriliferegister.tamu.edu/ and enter keyword “grassfed”. For more information on SARE, go to http://www.sare.org/
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