Farm Progress

Livestock farmers: Register all premisesLivestock farmers: Register all premises

Updated information helps quickly identify all premises during an animal disease outbreak to stop the spread of the disease.

October 17, 2017

4 Min Read
GET REGISTERED: Starting this October, letters will be going out over the next 12 months to farmers who have registered their livestock farms with the Iowa Department of Agriculture.

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is encouraging Iowa livestock farmers to make sure all locations where they have livestock have a premises identification number (PIN) and their information is up to date.

“Being able to quickly identify any and all premises during an animal disease outbreak is a vitally important step as we work to stop the spread of the disease,” says Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. “We do want to assure farmers that all the information in the premises ID database is completely confidential and protected under federal law and can only be used for animal health purposes.”

IDALS will be contacting livestock producers who have previously registered a premises. The purpose is to get farmers to update the Iowa Premises Registration database or PINS. Farmers are asked to respond to the letter, and either confirm that the information is correct, or respond with their updated information.

In October, letters will be sent to producers in the counties of Allamakee, Appanoose, Audubon, Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Buchanan, Buena Vista and Butler.

• In November, letters will be sent to producers in the counties of Calhoun, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clay and Clayton.

IDALS will then continue alphabetically through the rest of the counties in the state over the next several months. Farmers can complete or renew their premises registration by completing the form and submitting it to the department.

Producers benefit from having PIN
“Time spent finding unregistered premises during an outbreak is time we can’t focus on controlling the disease, so it is very important Iowa farmers take the time to register their premises and make sure all the information is up to date,” says Naig. “Producers also benefit by having a premises identification number before a disease outbreak occurs. That’s because the premises identification number is the key linchpin to all activities relating to that producer, such as notification that a producer may be in a control zone and tracking diagnostic information.”

Iowa has more than 32,500 premises registered. A list of Frequently Asked Questions about premises identification can be found on the IDALS web page under “Hot Topics.” Or, if farmers have questions they can contact the department’s animal ID coordinator toll free at 888-778-7675 or by email at [email protected]. More information is available on USDA’s Animal Disease Traceability Home Site at

Here’s a sampling of premises registration FAQs:

• Who should register their premises? Farmers should register any geographically unique location where livestock are raised, held, boarded or congregated, including poultry. Two premises within a quarter mile of each other will be covered by a single Premises Identification Number (PIN). Livestock species included in premises ID database include: bison and/or cattle; swine; poultry; goats; cervids (elk and whitetail deer); camelids (alpacas and llamas); ratites (emu and ostrich); sheep and horses.

• What is a Premises Identification Number (PIN)? A premises identification number is a seven digit alphanumeric number assigned from the USDA APHIS PIN allocator based on the premises 911 address where the livestock are located, and is unique only to that premises.

• What information is included in the premises ID database? The database includes the 911 addresses for where livestock are located, mailing address for the producer, contact name, phone number and a list of species present.

• Will the information included in the premises ID database ever be made public? No. All information is protected under federal privacy law and can only be used for animal health purposes.

• Why is having a PIN important? Registration provides IDALS the essential contact information for livestock owners, allowing for faster notification in case of an animal disease outbreak. Producers also benefit by having a premises identification before a disease outbreak occurs because the premises identification number is the key to all activities related to that producer. Examples include notification that a producer may be in a control zone around a site with a confirmed animal disease outbreak and any diagnostic information. Also, a premises is required to have a PIN before being able to request a permit to move materials if the producer is in a control zone.

• What is IDALS doing to update the premises ID database? The department is contacting livestock producers who have previously registered a premises. This is an effort to update the Iowa Premises Registration database of Premises Identification Numbers. Farmers are asked to promptly respond to the letter, and confirm the information is correct or respond with their updated information.

• How many premises are currently registered in Iowa? Iowa currently has more than 32,500 premises registered.

Source: Iowa Department of Agriculture


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