Farm Progress

Beef demand is up over past few yearsBeef demand is up over past few years

Demand for beef has increased over the last couple of years.

May 20, 2014

1 Min Read

Demand for beef has increased over the last couple of years, said Dr. Levi Russell, AgriLife Extension economist, Corpus Christi.

“This is a good thing,” Russell said. “The last time we saw a significant increase was when the Atkins diet was popular.”

“We’ve already seen a substantial increase in price over 2013 and it appears we will continue Nationwide average feeder cattle prices are projected to top $185 per hundredweight in 2015, according to Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute data, Russell said.

“Retail beef is at an all-time high and people are continuing to pay a lot of money for beef,” he said.

Russell discussed beef outlook during the recent Upper Gulf Coast Ranch Expo in Fort Bend County.


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