September 26, 2017
Stapleton Family Farms of Saline County, Mo., is donating funds to its local hospital to provide training for staff to better understand rural patients.
Jan Stapleton was awarded a grant through the America's Farmers Grow Communities program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. She directed her winnings toward Fitzgibbon Hospital, which will use the funds for staff education and certification.
LOCAL DONATION: Jan Stapleton (center) of Stapleton Farms donated her funds to Fitzgibbon Hospital. She is seen here along with Jackie Finnegan, Finnegan Hospital foundation coordinator (left), and Dr. Darin Haug, president and CEO of the hospital. (Photo courtesy of Fitzgibbon Hospital)
"This grant from the Grow Communities program will enable us to help our staff obtain additional levels of knowledge, which will directly impact our ability to provide quality patient care in a rural setting here in Marshall," said Dr. Darin Haug, President and CEO of Fitzgibbon Hospital. "We are especially grateful for community partners like Jan Stapleton, who recognize the value of the mission of Fitzgibbon Hospital, to improve the health of our community."
Through the America's Farmers Grow Communities program, farmers can enroll for a chance to direct a $2,500 donation to a local eligible nonprofit organization.
New this year, all farmers are now eligible to enroll in the program, if they meet the requirement of being 21 years old and actively engaged in farming at least 250 acres or more. The Grow Communities program will award more than $3 million to nonprofits in rural America in 2018.
These funds are used to provide support to a variety of rural nonprofit organizations that reflect the makeup and character of their local communities, including food banks, emergency response organizations, youth agriculture programs and many others. Since the program began in 2010, the Grow Communities program has awarded more than $26 million in donations.
"Through the years, we have seen this program impact countless local communities, and we are proud to partner with farmers on this initiative to continue supporting nonprofit organizations important to them," said Al Mitchell, Monsanto Fund president. "Because of farmers' commitment to the Grow Communities program, their donations have provided vital support to organizations that make a lasting impact in local communities throughout the U.S."
Farmers can easily enroll in the Grow Communities program from now to Nov. 1. Online enrollment, as well as a complete list of program rules and eligibility information, can be found at or by calling 877-267-3332, toll-free.
Source: Monsanto Fund
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