Farm Progress

Duarte Nursery Friends Day continues to growDuarte Nursery Friends Day continues to grow

For more than two decades Duarte Nursery has invited customers, friends, family and neighbors to an annual gathering that celebrates the success of a family business

tfitchette, Associate Editor

May 7, 2018

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No agricultural event is complete without a tasty lunch that features a variety of locally-produced products.

For nearly a quarter-century Duarte Nursery in Hughson, Calif. has invited friends of the nursery – customers, neighbors and others – to an annual event on the first Friday in May commonly known as “Friends Day.”

Since its inception the event has grown from a small gathering of people for tours and a lunch at the nursery to about 2,000 guests and a trade show with about 70 vendors.

This year’s Friends Day honored Jim Bennett, a long-time friend of Duarte Nursery founder Jim Duarte. Bennett and Duarte partnered on an almond variety known as Bennett-Hickman that the nursery is marketing. More than one million of the Bennett-Hickman trees have been sold to growers.

About the Author


Associate Editor, Western Farm Press

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