Farm Progress

Grain storage – deadly dangers

Hembree Brandon, Editorial director

August 4, 2009

4 Min Read

Grain storage entrapments/deaths don’t get much attention in the media because they don’t happen often (a farmer is more likely to be in an vehicle- or farm equipment-related accident), they aren’t high profile, and there has been little university interest and no funded research into numbers/causes.

MATT ROBERTS, right, Indiana farmer who led a Purdue University study on grain storage accidents, and Herb Willcutt, Mississippi State University Extension agricultural engineer, show one of the devices used in rescuing persons entrapped in grain.

Still, says Matt Roberts, every year farmers die or narrowly escape death in grain storage bins, and more cases of deaths/entrapments are being reported at commercial grain elevators.

Roberts, an Indiana farmer who himself had a near-miss in a grain bin, undertook an extensive study of grain storage accidents while in a master’s program at Purdue University, and now does safety presentations around the country.

As a result of the project, he said at a Mississippi State University Extension Service conference on stored grain management at Webb, Miss., “We now have the largest database on grain entrapments, both farm and commercial.”

Last year, there were 34 reported entrapments nationwide; 1987 was the worst year, with 47, followed by 1993, with 42.”

By far the majority involved corn, says Roberts, but they happen with all grains. In several cases, people who were trying to rescue someone were themselves entrapped.

“There has been an upward trend in entrapments. Possible reasons are that more corn is being grown, with record yields, and thus more going into storage; corn is being stored longer; farmers are storing wetter corn; workers often have less farm experience and less awareness of the dangers in stored grain; and worker complacency about the dangers (we’ve been seeing more cases of managers being trapped).”

Historically, Roberts says, entrapments were 70 percent on-farm and 30 percent at commercial facilities, but in recent years, that has changed to 43 percent on-farm and 57 percent commercial.

“This may be due to fewer but larger farms and increased inventory turnover at commercial facilities.”

Of the entrapments, 62 percent have been engulfments, with only a 12 percent survival rate; for partial entrapments, the survival rate has been 90 percent.

Fifty percent of entrapments occurred in facilities of 20,000 bushels or smaller, 77 percent in metal bins.

Entrapments in grain transport vehicles have also been a part of the problem, and they often involve children, who may be in grain trucks or trailers and out of sight of the combine operator.

“Unloading rates for newer combines are now pushing 4 bushels per minute, which can quickly cover someone in a trailer,” Roberts says.

The average rescue time for an entrapped person is 3.3 hours, and unfortunately the person may be dead from suffocation and/or cardiac failure. Between 1964-2006, the average death rate from entrapments was 75 percent, from 1996-2006, 77 percent, and in 2007, 46 percent.

In many cases of entrapment, the person was working alone, with nobody around to help, Roberts says. “Relaxed compliance with workplace safety regulations has also been a factor, as has the increase of high capacity grain handling systems.

“On-farm storage facilities are getting substantially larger; some are now over 100,000 bushels. Commercial facilities often run 24 hours a day, increasing opportunities for accidents.”

Entrapment accidents also have occurred with bin unloading equipment and augers, Roberts says.

Among the main causes of entrapment:

• Flowing grain — “It’s difficult for most people to comprehend the tremendous pulling power of flowing grain. It’s a race you can’t win — in 30 seconds, you can be completely buried.”

• Collapse of a horizontally-crusted grain surface.

• An avalanche in an outdoor grain pile.

• Being buried in grain transport vehicles.

• Structural failure of a storage facility (bin bursting).

• Using grain vacuums, which can suck a person in.

The most common rescue attempts involve cutting into bin walls to release grain around the entrapped person, Roberts says. The second most common practice is placing a retaining structure around the person.

Commercial devices, such as rescue tubes, are available to facilitate extracting someone who has been entrapped.

He says anyone entering a grain storage bin should always follow bin lock-out/tag-out procedures before going into the facility.

Rules for rescue of a person entrapped:

• Don’t enter the bin yourself.

• Shut down and lock out all equipment.

• Activate the local fire emergency rescue service.

• Turn on aeration fans.

• Assemble employees to determine who’s missing.

• Assess the situation and resources available to assist rescue.

• Implement a situation-specific action plan.

• Remove grain from around the victim, utilizing a grain rescue tube or retaining structure around the victim (don’t waste time trying to dig around a person without a retaining device or structure, Roberts says).

The workshop was sponsored by the Mississippi State University Extension Service, Delta Rice Services, Bunge North America, and the GSI Group.

e-mail: [email protected]

About the Author

Hembree Brandon

Editorial director, Farm Press

Hembree Brandon, editorial director, grew up in Mississippi and worked in public relations and edited weekly newspapers before joining Farm Press in 1973. He has served in various editorial positions with the Farm Press publications, in addition to writing about political, legislative, environmental, and regulatory issues.

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