February 10, 2017
Here’s what’s on tap during the two days of the 2017 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show.
Make plans now to attend as many as you can between visits to the showroom floors that will have over 400 exhibits.
Friday/Saturday, March 3-4 — Special Educational Exhibits: Mid-South Land Grant universities, the Extension Service, and state agencies will have special educational exhibits on the mezzanine level of the Cook Convention Center. These outstanding exhibits will include the latest information on biofuels, biotechnology, conservation and wildlife management, and other innovative research topics. They will be open during show hours Friday and Saturday.
Friday, March 3, 9:00 a.m. — Aglaunch Start-Up Station, Chicksaw Room, mezzanine level: This day-long station features some or all of the following booths: Office hours for various experts including Startco, Archer Malmo, Baker Donelson, startup mentors; technology showcases including tables and demonstrations with new innovations and startups; “Fireside Chats” with special guests, including Barry Knight, Jai Templeton, Lars Swanson; startup pitches; and registration for farmer network, accelerator applications, and more. Join us for all or part of this event!
Friday, March 3, 10:45 a.m. — Special Xtend Dicamba Seminar, sponsored by Deltapine, Steamboat Room, Mezzanine Level. The Xtend Your Dicamba Knowledge Seminar is designed to educate farmers and the industry on how to successfully integrate dicamba into weed management programs in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans and Bollgard II XtendFlex cotton. Ryan Rector, Monsanto technology development manager for dicamba, Dr. Larry Steckel, University of Tennessee row crop weed specialist, and growers with experience using XtendiMax with VaporGrip will be among the presenters.
Friday, March 3, 1:00 p.m. — In-Depth Grain Marketing Workshop, featuring Brock & Associates, Cotton Row Room, Mezzanine Level: Low commodity prices raise the importance of knowing when to best market your crops. Attend this inaugural workshop to learn from grain marketing experts at Brock & Associates — tips and techniques for making the most from your grain crops. This seminar requires registration and a $25 payment. To pre-register, call (800) 558-3431. Registration fee includes workshop handouts and a copy of Brock’s grain trading book.
Saturday, March 4, 11:00 a.m. — Ag Market Network Monthly Cotton Teleconference, Trade Show Floor: The Ag Market Network will broadcast its March monthly cotton teleconference from the trade show floor. The cotton panel for the broadcast will be made up of Dr. O.A. Cleveland, economics professor emeritus, Mississippi State University, and global cotton market analyst; Jarral Neeper, President of Calcot; Kip Butts, Senior Cotton Analyst Informa Economics; and Pat McClatchy, executive director of the Ag Market Network. The show will discuss the latest outlook for cotton prices. The panel will make marketing suggestions, as well as answer questions from the audience. The program will be rebroadcast at agmarketnetwork.net.
Saturday, March 4, 1:30 p.m. — Special Rice Marketing Educational Seminar, featuring Milo Hamilton, co-founder and senior agricultural economist, Firstgrain, Inc., mezzanine level: Good rice marketing involves a knowledge of the global situation for rice trends in price and stocks. Rice is not like, say, oats which are largely a domestic market and fed to horses. Rice is fed to people with all that entails. This special workshop is broken into two distinct sessions: how to assess global rice conditions and their impact on your local price trend and one to assess what is a high or low price in your area at any point in time. In this world of profitless prices every Truman dime counts now. Will you survive or thrive in 2017/18?
To pre-register for the show and for more information, visit farmandginshow.com.
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