February 11, 2008
The new GPS 1500 antenna/receiver system from Ag Leader Technology offers sub-meter accuracy. It can take advantage of AutoSwath functions used to automatically turn sprayer boom or planter sections on and off based on field maps or already applied or planted areas. Like other Ag Leader GPS receivers, the GPS 1500 outputs a simulated radar speed signal and NMEA position data to other equipment. The unit can accept Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) and European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) signal differential corrections. It also can be used to automatically adjust swath width of combines during harvest and to guide tillage, data logging and general mapping operations.
The suggested retail price is $1,295. Contact Ag Leader Technology, Dept. FIN, Box 2348, Ames, IA 50010, 515/232-5363, www.agleader.com.
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