Ohio Farmer

When am I farming and when am I excavating?

Actions often thought of as farming activities can be classified as excavating.

November 11, 2016

2 Min Read

Repairing fences, removing stumps and cleaning out ditches may seem like everyday work on the farm, but according to state laws, these activities require a call to 811.

Chris Thome, program director of the Pipeline Ag Safety Alliance, says farm and ranch activities are increasingly posing a safety risk to pipelines. Farm equipment is getting more powerful and can dig deeper. At the same time, erosion and terrain modifications can reduce the soil covering an underground pipeline.


Every state has passed “One Call” laws to keep pipelines safe. These laws require contractors, farmers, homeowners and anyone digging to call 811 at least two to three days before starting their project. Dialing 811 is a free call to have lines located.

Most states provide a narrow exemption to their One Call law for “normal” farming activities, Thome says. A key to this entire process is understanding “when am I farming and when am I excavating.”

Repairing fences, removing stumps and cleaning out ditches may seem like everyday work on the farm, but according to state laws, these activities require a call to 811. Activities often thought of as farming activities, but are classified as excavating, include:
• fence building
• drain tiling
• terracing
• grading
• contouring
• ripping
• deep tilling
• soil sampling
• tree or stump removal
• clearing or grubbing
• ditch cleaning
• trenching
• auguring

Hitting a pipeline with deep-tillage equipment, tiling machinery, post hole auger or other tool can result in a catastrophic accident. The free 811 call takes a little forward planning, but is essential to farmer safety, Thome says.

A call to 811 will prompt a visit from utility company technicians. They will use yellow paint and flags to show the exact location of gas or hazardous-liquid pipelines, Thome says. Once lines are marked, farmers are urged to use care when working near the line. Do not use mechanical equipment within approximately 24 inches on each side of the pipeline, Thome advises. If a digging project is on or near the pipeline company right-of-way or easement, a company representative will likely be onsite during your project. Do not remove flags, stakes or paint marks until finished digging. If a pipeline is exposed, a company representative will request to inspect the pipe before backfilling.

If there is a pipeline in your neighborhood, know when farming activities fall into the excavating category and call 811 as a precaution, Thome says.

Source: Michigan State University Extension

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