The Indiana FFA named four members as “Stars” in their respective categories during the recent state convention. All four competed against other section Star winners from around the state.
Here are the winners in each category.
• Star in Agribusiness. This category recognizes students who start their own agribusiness. The winner was Robbie Armstrong, Franklin FFA. Armstrong Apiaries is in its fifth year, with Armstrong maintaining 30 hives, selling bees and queens to others, and producing and marketing woodenware that beekeepers need. He sells about 600 pounds of honey per year, and concentrates on improving the genetics of his bees.
Other section winners in the agribusiness category were Nic Cleaver, Twin Lakes; Tanner Pearson, Delphi; and Catherine Fisher, Madison.
• Star in Ag Placement. Brandi Adkins of Rushville took first place in this category, which analyzes how well students grow while working for someone in agribusiness. Adkins job-shadowed a local vet in 2013 and gained employment there. She is a vet assistant, and someday hopes to be a large-animal veterinarian.
Other section winners included Kelty Bratton, West Noble; Hayley Musser, Benton Central; and Liam Ludwig, Batesville.
• Star in Agriscience. These FFA members do research on various subjects related to agriculture. The winner was Emily Kilmer, Tri-County. Her research centered around checking water quality and the effect of tillage and other factors on water in ditches and streams.
Other winners were Shelby Henry, Clinton Central; and Lindsey Koester, North Posey.
• Star Farmer. Students who are preparing for careers in some segment of production agriculture are recognized in this category. The winner was Blake Danner, Frontier FFA in White County. He has spun off his own business selling show pigs and semen in 24 states from his family’s business, Purple Power Boar Stud.
Others recognized in the Star Farmer category include Lane Eckrote, North Miami; Isaac Murdock, White River Valley; and Gracie Flaspohler, Batesville.
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