Farm Progress

Butter prices drove separator sales back in 1907Butter prices drove separator sales back in 1907

Farmers were being urged to buy separators to take advantage of high butter prices in 1907.

Jacky Goerzen

December 3, 2018

2 Min Read
MAKING BUTTER: This page from the October 1907 edition of Kansas Farmer shows a prominent advertisement urging farmers with “three or more cows” to immediately buy a separator to take advantage of unusually strong butter prices.

Anybody with three or more cows were being urged to act immediately to buy a separator for their operation in order to capitalize on expected strong prices for butter in the fall of 1907.

Butter prices of 50 cents a pound were predicted over the coming winter, and separators were being advertised as a way to “double your dairy profits and cut your work in half.”

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Goerzen is Executive Director of Old Cowtown Museum in Wichita.

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