February 4, 2016
Livestock and forage producers should mark their calendars for Thursday, February 25 and make plans to attend the 2016 Mid-Missouri Grazing Conference. This year's conference will be at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City.
The program format features a variety of breakout sessions in the morning, followed by two keynote talks. Participants will have the opportunity to visit with supply vendors at the trade show before the morning programs begin as well as between morning breakout sessions.
Keynote speakers will provide expert advice on two topics that are critical to the sustainability of livestock operations.
MANAGED GRAZING: Grazing cover crops can extend forage for cattle producers. Learn the benefits during the Mid-Missouri Grazing Conference Feb. 25 in Jefferson City.
-Hugh Harvey is an Associate Circuit Judge, Probate Division, 15th Judicial Circuit, in Saline County. He will discuss "Concepts and Considerations When Planning for Ag Estate Succession".
-Luke Linnenbringer will discuss "Grazing Cover Crops and Annual Forages." There he will explain the role of annual forage crops in his direct market beef operation in central Missouri. Learn what forage crops he raises for his feed chain and how these forages are grazed to produce beef that is direct marketed off the farm.
The morning breakout sessions include the following: High Density Grazing, Lease Agreements, Low-Stress Cattle Handling, Hay/Haylage Production, Hoop Buildings for Beef Cattle, Stockpiled Tall Fescue Management, Utilizing Feedlot Performance Information on the Ranch, Managing Wildlife on a Production Farm, and Grass-Fed and Conventionally Finished Meat Production.
"We have a wide range of producers, extension specialists, wildlife, and grazing experts lined up to present the morning sessions," says Gene Schmitz, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist.
Log on to the conference website for more information on the schedule, speakers, and topics. Registration forms for both vendors and conference participants are available on the site.
Farmers can also obtain information by contacting the Cole County SWCD office at 573-896-5188 extension 3. Registration forms should be sent to: Cole County SWCD, 1911 Boggs Creek Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101.
Advanced registration is due by February 19 to receive the discounted registration price which includes the noon meal, refreshments throughout the day, and a copy of the event proceedings.
Source: University of Missouri Extension
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