October 12, 2018
The 63rd annual New Mexico Water Conference, presented by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, will take place Oct. 17-18 at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 E. University Ave. More than 250 participants are expected to attend.
The theme for this year’s conference is “At the Tipping Point: Water Scarcity, Science and Policy.” A diverse group of water experts will address a host of important and timely water issues such as agriculture and groundwater use, climate change, drought, fire, economics, adjudications and settlements, alternative water supplies, and regional and state water planning.
A pre-conference field trip to Hatch and Mesilla Valley will take place Oct. 16.
The Wednesday luncheon will feature the 2018 Albert E. Utton Memorial Water Lecture given by Jim Dunlap, former chair of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. Dunlap will address water rights adjudications in the 21st century. Thursday’s luncheon presentation will be given by award-winning journalist Lauren Villagran, who will talk about the binational Mesilla Bolson.
A poster session Thursday morning will highlight more than 60 water-related research projects, many presented by university students from across New Mexico.
For registration fees and links to the preliminary program, visit https://nmwaterconference.nmwrri.nmsu.edu/2018/, or call 575-646-4337 for more information. Media is invited to attend the conference free of charge. To attend, contact Catherine Ortega Klett at 575-646-1195 or [email protected].
The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute is a nonprofit organization that funds water-related research projects at all of New Mexico’s universities, including New Mexico State University.
Source: NMSU
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