February 9, 2014
Two collegiate dairy cattle judging teams from Michigan State University traveled to the 2014 Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show in Fort Worth, Texas, in January to compete in the Southwest Senior Dairy Cattle Judging Contest. They returned with some impressive accolades.
The MSU "White" team won the contest, placing first overall and first in oral reasons. Members of the "White" team were: Malissa Reed, animal science junior from Owosso; Garrett Slavik, animal science junior from Ashley; Britney Zondlak, agribusiness management senior from Byron Center; and Carmen Zwemmer, animal science junior from Elkton.
The MSU "Green" team placed eighth overall. Pictured left to right are: Bridget Moore, Samantha Mamarow, Andrea Meade, Savannah Katulski and Dr. Joe Domecq.
Zwemmer was high individual overall and in oral reasons. Reed finished as sixth high individual overall and 17th in oral reasons. Slavik was 12th high individual overall and 14th in oral reasons. Zondlak was 19th overall and 10th high in oral reasons.
The MSU "Green" team finished eighth overall in the contest and was 10th high team in oral reasons. Members of the MSU "Green" team were: Savannah Katulski, animal science junior from Goodrich; Samantha Mamarow, animal science senior from Saline; Andrea Meade, animal science senior from Livonia; and Bridget Moore, animal science sophomore from Sears.
Katulski was the 13th high individual overall in the contest and placed 21st in oral reasons.
In the breed divisions, the "White" team won first place and the "Green" team placed second in the Brown Swiss breed. Second high individual in Brown Swiss was Reed. Zwemmer placed fourth, Katulski was sixth, Moore finished seventh, Zondlak was 12th and Meade was 20th.
The MSU "White" team placed first overall and first in oral reasons at the Southwest Senior Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held in Fort Worth, Texas, in January. Pictured left to right are: Malissa Reed, Carmen Zwemmer, Britney Zondlak, Garrett Slavik and Dr. Joe Domecq.
The "White" team was third high team in Holsteins and the "Green" team was ninth. Zwemmer was fourth high individual in the Holstein breed, and Slavik finished 10th, Reed was 18th and Katulski was 19th.
The MSU "White" team earned another first place in the Jersey breed. Slavik placed third high in Jerseys and was followed by Zwemmer in fourth place. Reed finished 18th in Jerseys and Zondlak was 24th.
The Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show is the oldest continuous running livestock show in the country. Commonly referred to as the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, it has been held in Fort Worth, Texas, since its inception in 1896.
While in Texas, the students visited Sandy Creek Dairy in Bridgeport. This dairy operation processes the milk produced by its herd of 30 Brown Swiss cows into cheese. The group also visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the site of the John F. Kennedy assassination.
For more information about the MSU and Michigan dairy youth judging programs, contact Domecq at 517-353-7855 or [email protected].
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