Farm Progress

Kentucky/Tennessee Tobacco Expo scheduledKentucky/Tennessee Tobacco Expo scheduled

• The educational event and trade show offers tobacco farmers an opportunity to meet with a wide range of agribusiness representatives that are involved in tobacco production and related fields.

January 13, 2011

1 Min Read

The annual Tennessee/Kentucky Tobacco Expo is scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 1, 2011, in Springfield, Tenn.

The educational event and trade show offers tobacco farmers an opportunity to meet with a wide range of agribusiness representatives that are involved in tobacco production and related fields. Last year 26 agribusinesses and organizations participated in the Tobacco Expo trade show.

Seminar speakers, topics and times offered for this year will include:

Dark & Burley Tobacco Variety Update

Andy Bailey, University of Tennessee/University of Kentucky Tobacco Specialist — 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Insect Pest Management

Paul Denton, UT/UK Extension Tobacco Specialist — 9:00 & 10:00 a.m.

Tobacco Market Situation & Outlook

Will Snell, UK Department of Agricultural Economics — 10:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Private Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification Course

1:00 p.m. ($15 fee required for recertification)

The event will be held at the Robertson County, Tenn., Fairgrounds Community Building, 4635 Hwy 41 North. The event runs from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  A barbecue lunch will be served to all participants, sponsored by the Eastern Dark-Fired Tobacco Association and Burley Stabilization.  

There is no registration fee for attending the Tobacco Expo, and it is open to all persons regardless of race, creed or national origin.

For more information on the Tobacco Expo contact: Paul Hart, UT Extension agent, Robertson County, 615-384-7936.

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