March 6, 2012
The Southern Cotton Ginners Association has elected George LaCour, Tri-Parish Gin, Lettsworth, La., as president for the 2012-13 year.
Other officers are Robert Royal, Midnight Gin, Silver City, Miss., vice president; Sledge Taylor, Como Consolidated Gin, Como, Miss., treasurer; Billy Ussery, Griffin Gins, Wabash, Ark., chairman of the board; and Timothy L. Price, executive vice president and secretary.
Officers elected by the state ginner associations are:
Arkansas— Robert Dreher, Round Lake Co-op Gin, Grady, president; Barry Braden, Cotton Growers Gin, Dell, vice president; Henry G. “Tri” Watkins, Rabbit Ridge Gin, Lepanto, second vice president.
Louisiana— George LaCour, Tri-Parish Gin, Lettsworth, president; William Browning, Browning Gin, Crowville, first vice president; Randy Ainsworth, Tanner & Company, Frogmore, second vice president.
Mississippi — Celeste Malatesta, Columbus Gin Assn., Shaw, president; Robert Royal, Midnight Gin, Silver City, first vice president; Phil Lucius, Calhoun County Gin, Calhoun City, second vice president.
Missouri— Gregg Sain, Graves Kennett Gin Co., Kennett, president; Jane Campbell, Crowder Gin Co., Sikeston, first vice president; Riley James, A. C. Riley Cotton Co., New Madrid, second vice president.
Tennessee— James Wages, Farmers Gin of Humboldt, Humboldt, president; Bradley Williams, Burlison Gin, Burlison, first vice president; Allen Espey, Espey Gin, McLemoresville, second vice president.
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