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Elevating efficiency, goal of 2019 Beltwide Cotton Conferences

Topics from insects to ginning to sustainability issues to be covered.

October 10, 2018

2 Min Read
O.A. Cleveland presents Doyle and Daryl Schniers the Cotton Marketer of the Year Award at the 2018 Beltwide Cotton Conference.

The 2019 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC), set for January 8-10 at the New Orleans Marriott in New Orleans, La., will provide insight on current research and emerging technology – to help attendees improve production, processing and marketing efficiency.

The BWCC, coordinated by the National Cotton Council (NCC), annually brings together university and USDA researchers, Extension personnel/agents, consultants, and industry sales/support personnel.

Information on the 2019 BWCC, including registration and housing reservation instructions, is at The site also includes a link to BWCC proceedings from 2005-2018.

The 2019 BWCC will begin at noon on January 8 with the half-day Cotton Consultants Conference – open to all attendees. Among scheduled topics selected by the consultant community are: an expert panel of entomologists to discuss bollworm and Bt resistance; objectives of cover crop initiatives; status and new products pertaining to nematodes; the current state of integrated pest management in cotton and future considerations; the status of boll weevil eradication in the Lower Rio Grande Valley; and a product registration update.

The BWCC cotton technical conferences, which will provide updates on research and a look into the technology pipeline, will meet concurrently beginning on the morning of January 9 and conclude by noon on January 10.

The Ginning Conference, for example, will include several presentations critical to cotton quality and efficient processing. Included will be updates regarding ongoing ginning research, new equipment, cottonseed, and lint contamination research/prevention. Beginning on the afternoon of January 8, the National Cotton Ginners Association will hold several committee and subcommittee meetings. A schedule of those meetings is at

The Cotton Engineering-Systems Conference will have a panel addressing sustainability issues. Also, the Cotton Improvement Conference will feature five-minute lightning talks from poster presentation authors. Initiated last year, the lightning talks’ intent is to provide the main points of the authors’ research for stimulating more discussion later at the poster session.

Registration costs for the 2019 BWCC before December 17 are: $200 for NCC/Cotton Foundation members, university and USDA researchers, Extension personnel, associations and consultants; $500 for non-U.S. research, extension, associations, and consultants; $400 for non-NCC/Foundation members; and $80 for students. On-site conference self-registration kiosks will be available 24 hours a day beginning on the evening of January 7. Beginning on the morning of January 8, NCC staff will be available for attendees needing assistance with registration and name badge printing.

Source: National Cotton Council

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