Farm Progress

Arizona upland cotton production up 33 percent

Arizona upland cotton production is expected at 590,000 bales, up 33 percent from the 2009 crop;The yield is estimated at 1,467 pounds per acre, 10-pounds less than the record-high yield set in 2009;Harvested upland acreage at 193,000 acres is up 49,000 acres from a year ago;Arizona 2010-2011 lemon production is forecast at 2.5 million boxes, up 14 percent from last season. 

January 17, 2011

2 Min Read

The latest Arizona Crops report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Phoenix, Ariz.


Arizona upland cotton production is expected at 590,000 bales, up 33 percent from the 2009 crop. The yield is estimated at 1,467 pounds per acre, 10 pounds less than the record-high yield set last year. Harvested acreage at 193,000 acres is up 49,000 acres from a year ago.

Arizona’s 2010 American pima production is estimated at 4,500 bales from 2,500 acres for an average yield of 864 pounds per acre.

U.S. upland cotton production is estimated at 17.8 million 480-pound bales, up slightly from the Dec. 1 forecast and up 51 percent from last year. The U.S. yield for upland cotton is estimated at 814 pounds per acre, up 7 pounds from last month and up 48 pounds from 2009.

Harvested area at 10.5 million acres is down 1 percent from last month but up 42 percent from last year. Upland planted area estimated at 10.8 million acres is up 20 percent from last year.

U.S. American pima producers planted 204,200 acres, up 44 percent from last year. Harvested area at 201,700 acres is up 46 percent from last year. Production is estimated at 497,500 bales (480-pounds), down slightly from the Aug. 1 forecast but up 24 percent from last year.

The U.S. pima yield is estimated at 1,184 pounds per acre, up 30 pounds from the August 1 forecast but down 205 pounds from last year.


Arizona cottonseed production for 2009 is estimated at 158,000 tons, up 39 percent from last year. U.S. cottonseed production is expected to total 6.19 million tons, an increase of 49 percent from 2009.

Durum wheat

Arizona durum wheat seedings for 2011 are estimated at 80,000 acres, the same as 2010. Other wheat seedings at 10,000 acres are up 1,000 from last year.


Arizona’s 2010-2011 lemon production is forecast at 2.5 million boxes, up 14 percent from last season. U.S. lemon production is forecast at 23.5 million boxes, up 4 percent from the 2009-2010 season.

Arizona tangerine/tangelo production for the 2010-2011 season is forecast at 300,000 boxes, 50,000 boxes less than the previous season. Total U.S. tangerine production is forecast at 14.1 million boxes.

All orange production in California is forecast at 2.42 million tons (60.5 million boxes), unchanged from the Oct. 1 forecast but up 14 percent from last season. The California Navel forecast at 1.86 million tons (46.5 million boxes) is unchanged from the previous forecast but up 17 percent from the 2009-2010 crop.

California Valencia oranges are forecast at 560,000 tons (14.0 million boxes), unchanged from the previous forecast but up 7 percent from last season. Wet weather and colder temperatures in December slowed the harvest. 

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