Wallaces Farmer

Syngenta Grants Zimmerman Corn Rights to Hoegemeyer HybridsSyngenta Grants Zimmerman Corn Rights to Hoegemeyer Hybrids

Hoegemeyer gets exclusive rights to market Zimmerman white corn hybrids.

July 13, 2007

1 Min Read
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Syngenta Seeds Inc. has granted exclusive rights to Hoegemeyer Hybrids for the sale and distribution of its Zimmerman white corn hybrids under the Hoegemeyer brand in the U.S. Zimmerman white corn hybrids 1713W, 1714W and 1863W are included in the agreement. A separate research and development agreement for the Syngenta white corn breeding program allows Dr. Tom Hoegemeyer to expand and diversify his proprietary breeding efforts in white corn.

"The quality of the white corn hybrids from Syngenta combined with Hoegemeyer's dedication to serving the white corn industry means that corn growers and food processors alike can continue to count on the performance they have come to expect from these products," says Chuck Lee, head of the Syngenta corn product line.

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