Dakota Farmer

Paper, Shrimp and Vegetable Projects Request ND APUC FundingPaper, Shrimp and Vegetable Projects Request ND APUC Funding

Other projects on the docket involve food co-op, horse processing plant and corn utilization.

July 15, 2010

2 Min Read

The North Dakota Agricultural Products Utilization Commission will review funding requests for nine projects totaling $577,762 at its quarterly meeting set for July 22  at the Riverdale High Lodge in Riverdale, N.D..

APUC is a program of the North Dakota Department of Commerce that administers grant programs for researching and developing new and expanded uses for North Dakota agricultural products. The grants can be used for basic and applied research, marketing and cooperative marketing utilization, farm diversification, nature-based agri-tourism, technology, agricultural prototype and technical assistance.

The following requests will be reviewed:

Cass Clay Wholesome Food Cooperative, Fargo, is requesting $20,400 to conduct a market analysis and feasibility study regarding the formation of a food cooperative, open to the general public interested in local, healthy food that is of  North Dakota origin.  For more information, contact Reba Mathern-Jacobson at 701-235-9817.

NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Fargo, is requesting $125,000 to assist in funding research that will expand corn utilization. For more information, contact Dr. Marcelo Carena at 701-231-8138.

Red Trail Vineyard, Buffalo, is requesting $5,362, for marketing and promotion of the Red Trail Vineyard in attracting wine lovers to come and visit for wine tasting and vineyard tours, along with multiple events available at their venue.  For more information, contact Rodney Hogan at 701-633-5392.

Geo-Matoes LLC, Ellendale, is requesting $5,000 to help hire a consultant for project development in the expansion and diversification of their existing vegetable production operation.  Also, assistance towards a feasibility study on market demands of fresh, high quality, locally grown vegetables.  For more information, contact Larry Schumacker at 701-375-6491.

AquaGanix, Inc., Newburg, is requesting $150,000 to help fund branding, logo, packaging, and web-site design, showing primary focus on revolutionizing the shrimp industry.  For more information, contact Kimberly Zettell at 701-272-6282.

North Dakota Department of Commerce, Bismarck, is requesting $25,000 to help fund the fulfillment of the Legislature's mandate for matching funds to be used to hire a consultant to conduct an economic feasibility study of an equine processing facility, and for reimbursement of travel expenses to the advisory committee members. For more information, contact John Mittleider at 701-328-5300.

Bio-Sunn, Garrison, is requesting $232,000 to help update Bio-Sunn's feasibility study, marketing plan, business plan, business management and pre-launch advertising campaign for a treeless paper mill and cellulosic ethanol (clean biofuel) plant.  For more information, contact Dr. Michael Burgess at 630-450-6744.

Marketplace of Ideas/Marketplace for Kids, Inc., Bismarck, is requesting $50,000 to help coordinate and host four "Growing Native Assets through Nature and Heritage" Conferences, to be held at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, MHA Nation, Spirit Lake Nation, and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Native American Reservations.  For more information, contact Marilyn Kipp at 701-663-0150.

Minot Area Development Corporation, Minot, is requesting $50,000 to achieve a feasibility study on determining technical, financial, management, economic, and marketing for BioExx's intention of expanding canola extraction methods.  For more information, contact Jerry Chavez at 701-852-1075

Source: APUC

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