February 22, 2016
With water quality and land stewardship being hot topics in Iowa, the Iowa Corn Growers Association is introducing a Stewardship Advocate Program to help its members stay up-to-date with news and events that relate to their farms. Exclusive to ICGA members, the program will feature monthly updates from Iowa Corn sustainable program manager, Ben Gleason, and other experts and specialists on the topics of soil health, conservation and water quality.
IMPROVE WATER QUALITY: Using cover crops and other conservation techniques will not only reduce erosion and nitrogen loss, but will build a healthier soil structure over time. But every farm situation is different and what works on one field may not work on another.
“Iowa farmers care about the land and water, and Iowa Corn is committed to helping them be the best possible stewards,” says Dean Meyer, a farmer from Rock Rapids and chair of the Iowa Corn Animal Agriculture and Environment Committee. “This program is one way we are helping our members stay informed on the latest news in water quality and sustainability in the state. We will incorporate information from farmers who have successfully implemented stewardship practices into their operations, as we know farmer-to-farmer discussions are highly valued.”
Another way to educate farmers on best management practices
Those who sign up for the program will receive monthly podcasts or videos via email containing first-to-know information on stewardship topics and upcoming Iowa Corn stewardship activities and events. It’s a way to stay informed and engage in conversations with others about stewardship. “Iowa Corn is continuously working with members to keep soil health and stewardship top-of-mind and educate growers about best management practices,” says Meyer.
Iowa Corn hosted a recent farmer-to-farmer soil health discussion where Iowa farmers shared their experiences with conservation practices, such as no-till planting, cover crops and saturated buffer strips. That discussion took place at a public meeting at Iowa State University, which was well attended. The discussion was recorded and is archived and available for viewing online. Visit the ICGA website to download it.
Iowa Corn also is committed to working with the Soil Health Partnership, a corn-farmer led, five-year initiative to help measure management practices that improve soil health. The Soil Health Partnership is coordinated by the National Corn Growers Association. “The Iowa Corn Stewardship Advocate program is the next step toward helping our members be the best possible stewards of the land,” says Gleason. To learn more and register, visit iowacorn.org/water.
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