Farm Progress

New Credenz soybean varieties for 2018

Northern Seed Extra: Bayer CropScience introduces new soybean varieties with LibertyLink trait.

September 18, 2017

1 Min Read
LIBERTY LINK: Bayer CropScience has new LibertyLink soybean varieties for 2018.

Bayer Crop Science has 15 new Credenz varieties with LibertyLink traits. Some of the new varieties adapted to the Dakotas and Minnesota include:

• CZ 0448LL: Good iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance, excellent standability and highest-yielding early group 0 maturity rating in 2016.

• CZ 1028LL: Good soybean cyst nematode tolerance with PI88788 background, solid agronomic package with good standability and stable performer across a wide geography. Highest-yielding early mid-group 1.

 CZ 1418LL: Excellent top-end yield potential mid-maturity group 1, 85% win rate versus competitive checks and medium-tall plant type that forms an excellent canopy.

 CZ 1738LL: Strong early vigor and all-around disease package. Consistent-yielding late-maturity group 1 across all environments.

 CZ 2408LL: Top performer in 2016 trials and was the highest-yielding mid-maturity group 2. Medium-tall, bushy plant type that works well across varied soil types from east to west.

 CZ 2928LL: Taller plant type with good standability and was the high-performing yielder in late-maturity group 2 in 2016.

 CZ 3118LL: Consistent, uniform performer across multiple geographies with good disease tolerance. Highest-yielding early maturity group 3.

 CZ 3548LL: Bushy, dark brown bean that forms an excellent canopy. Mid-maturity group 3 with consistent yields from east to west.

 CZ 3738LL: Consistent yielding late-maturity group 3, that moves north well with good standability and disease tolerance.

For more information, contact a local Bayer representative, or visit CropScience, a division of Bayer, online at

Source: Bayer

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