September 18, 2017
Bayer Crop Science has 15 new Credenz varieties with LibertyLink traits. Some of the new varieties adapted to the Dakotas and Minnesota include:
• CZ 0448LL: Good iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance, excellent standability and highest-yielding early group 0 maturity rating in 2016.
• CZ 1028LL: Good soybean cyst nematode tolerance with PI88788 background, solid agronomic package with good standability and stable performer across a wide geography. Highest-yielding early mid-group 1.
• CZ 1418LL: Excellent top-end yield potential mid-maturity group 1, 85% win rate versus competitive checks and medium-tall plant type that forms an excellent canopy.
• CZ 1738LL: Strong early vigor and all-around disease package. Consistent-yielding late-maturity group 1 across all environments.
• CZ 2408LL: Top performer in 2016 trials and was the highest-yielding mid-maturity group 2. Medium-tall, bushy plant type that works well across varied soil types from east to west.
• CZ 2928LL: Taller plant type with good standability and was the high-performing yielder in late-maturity group 2 in 2016.
• CZ 3118LL: Consistent, uniform performer across multiple geographies with good disease tolerance. Highest-yielding early maturity group 3.
• CZ 3548LL: Bushy, dark brown bean that forms an excellent canopy. Mid-maturity group 3 with consistent yields from east to west.
• CZ 3738LL: Consistent yielding late-maturity group 3, that moves north well with good standability and disease tolerance.
For more information, contact a local Bayer representative, or visit CropScience, a division of Bayer, online at
Source: Bayer
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