March 10, 2017
Mark the calendar for the Kern County Almond Day March 30 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Kern Agricultural Pavilion, 3300 East Belle Terrace, Bakersfield, Calif. 93307
The cost to attend is $15/person.
Topics will include updates on laws and regulations, evapotranspiration, almond pathology, orchard recycling, integrated pest management, and more.
7:30 – Registration – Coffee and pasties
8:00 - Welcome almond industry members - Mohammad Yaghmour, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) farm advisor, Tulare and Kings counties;
8:05 - Law and regulation update – Kern County Agricultural Commissioner’s office;
8:30 - Almond replant disease and anaerobic soil disinfestation - Mohammad Yaghmour;
9:00 - What Is real almond ET? - Blake Sanden, UCCE Kern County farm advisor;
9:30 - Navel orangeworm and mites - the decision-making process - David Haviland, UCCE Kern County IPM advisor and UC Statewide IPM Program;
10:00 – Break;
10:30 - Whole orchard recycling - Brent Holtz, UCCE San Joaquin County farm advisor;
11:00 - Almond canker diseases - biology and management - Florent Trouillas, Coperative Extension specialist, UC Davis and Kearney Agricultural Research and Education Center; and
Noon – Hot buffet lunch
Online registration and payment is encouraged, or complete the online form and mail it with a check to the address on the form.
Registration closes March 27, 2017.
For more information, contact Mohammad Yaghmour at (661) 868‐6211 or [email protected].
Continuing Education Credits requested.
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