Oklahoma peanut and cotton farmers have an opportunity to see the latest in research and Extension crop demonstration during a research plot tour Sept. 24 at the Caddo Research Station near Fort Cobb, Oklahoma.
The session begins with a peanut hull blasting demonstration at 4 p.m. with research plot tours following at 5:30.
Hull blasting helps producers evaluate peanut maturity and facilitate harvest timing.
Plot tours will include peanut breeding and variety performance with updates from Kelly Chamberlin and Rebecca Bennett, USDA-ARS. John Damicone, Oklahoma State university Extension plant pathologist, will discuss plant diseases. Todd Baughman, OSU agronomist, will look at weed control options and Randy Boman. Oklahoma Extension state cotton leader will offer insights on cotton agronomy and variety performance.
Dinner will be served following the plot tours.
For more information contact: John Damicone, 127 NRC Stillwater, Okla., 74078-3033. Office: 405-744-9962; cell: 405-743-7968. [email protected]
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