This award rewards producers for sustainable peanut farming, focusing on high yields through wise input use.
While achieving high yields and grades is important in peanut production, it’s only part of the equation for efficient, long-term sustainable production. Farm Press established the Peanut Efficiency Program to recognize and reward producers who use tried-and-true practices along with innovative methods to improve the efficiency and sustainability of their operations.
The Peanut Efficiency Award is based on production proficiency, honoring growers who produce the highest yields by using inputs wisely and effectively. The awards are presented based on a producer’s entire farm operation and not on individual farms or small plots.
A second major component of the Peanut Efficiency Award is education. Southeast Farm Press, Delta Farm Press and Southwest Farm Press support the education element by publishing articles throughout the year focusing on peanut production efficiency.
Dr. Marshall Lamb, director of the USDA National Peanut Research Laboratory, is the lead advisor for the program and works with the program’s advisory board made up of Extension peanut specialists, county agents, association staff members and economists to bring an outstanding array of nominations each year.
Farm Press is pleased to present the Peanut Efficiency Award in cooperation with the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, and we are grateful for the support of all who have helped to make this program possible.
For detailed stories on this year’s Peanut Efficiency Award winners, please see the first July issues of Southeast Farm Press, Delta Farm Press, and Southwest Farm Press.
See more information on how winners are determined and print your 2024 PEA nomination today.
See our past Peanut Efficiency Award winners.