The second week of June was one of extremes. Hot weather that baked the Plains moved over the rest of the Midwest. But storms kicked up by the tropical heat were either too much or too little in many areas. Corn ratings slipped according to reports on Feedback From The Field. Soybean conditions improved a bit, but like those for corn, remain below readings published in USDA’s Crop Progress reports.
Optimistic assessments mid-week faded along with falling futures prices, leaving producers with plenty of worries.
“We have gone from very dry to very wet,” said a grower near the Illinois-Indiana boarder, an area that received more than 8 inches some places. “Lots of flooding, crops turning yellow--beans are being hurt the worst--some plants already dead.”
Another Illinois farmer suffered through a cold April that caused germination woes in 200 acres. “Nine inches of rain last week flooded out much of my corn acres and drowned out or damaged much of my soybean acres,” was the report on Saturday.
To make matters worse, an unidentified fungus was wilting soybeans: “So far the agronomists do not know for sure what it is.”
While those fields got gully-washers, the rains for the most part never reached dry parts of the I-70 corridor from western Illinois to Denver.
“Very hot and very dry,” commented a farmer west of Topeka. “Only scattered showers. Not sure how long corn can hold on.”
Still, many fields were doing well – as long as the rains keep coming in regular, decent amounts.
“The stands in this area are the best in several years and off to a great start,” said a producer north of Columbus, Ohio. “Could use an inch of rain each week for the next six weeks.”
That was a hope echoed by growers just about everywhere.
What’s happening out your way? Click this Feedback From The Field link to rate crops in your area and provide comments about your fields. We’ll update reports frequently with the interactive map below that lets you see what other growers are saying around the country. Click the box in the upper left-hand corner to bring up the weekly index; scroll down to see the most current week.
Follow along with the season here:
Feedback From the Field - June 11, 2018 - Corn improves but weekend rains could be crucial.
Feedback From the Field - June 4, 2018 - Crop conditions hold steady, but not as strong as USDA’s ratings.
Feedback From the Field - May 21, 2018 - Will corn planting progress meet the market’s models?
Feedback From the Field - May 14, 2018 - Planting progress hit or miss in the second week of May.
Feedback From the Field - May 7, 2018 - Growers make rapid planting progress outside the far north.
Feedback From the Field - May 2, 2018 - Some growers welcome this week’s rains.
Feedback From The Field - April 30, 2018 - More growers get into the field over the weekend.
Feedback From The Field - April 23, 2018 - April ending with cold, wet conditions stalling planting.
Feedback From The Field - April 19, 2018 - Rain, snow, fires and mud – this spring has it all.
Feedback From The Field - April 18, 2018 - Welcome to springtime in the Midwest.
Feedback From The Field - April 16, 2018 - Interactive tool helps growers share conditions.
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