Farm Progress

Upcoming soil fertility meeting aims to help growers maximize profit

Meeting aims to help growers get most out of budgets.Four hours in nutrient management CCA hours available.

December 9, 2015

1 Min Read

Growers throughout Arkansas are invited to learn how to test and improve the quality of their soils at a soil fertility meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 15 at the Rice Research and Extension Center in Stuttgart.

Grant Beckwith, Arkansas County Cooperative Extension Agent, said attendees can expect to come away from the meeting with a better understanding of the current situation in U.S. agriculture, and what they need to do for the coming season to maximize their profits through fertility management.

“You’re always working on ways to squeeze everything you can out of your budget,” Beckwith said. “That starts with your soil.”

The RREC is located at 2900 Highway 130 E in Stuttgart. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and conclude with lunch at 12:15 p.m. There is no cost to attend, and attendees do not need to RSVP in order to earn four CCA hours in nutrient management.

Topics scheduled for discussion include:

  • Latest updates/changes to P recommendations for rice and soybean and importance of proper nutrient management in tough times.

  • Crop Residue Management - What is it worth and how does it influence my soil fertility program?

  • Introducing cover crops into Arkansas rotations and how they influence soil fertility.

  • Plant essential nutrients - What they do and importance of the 4 R’s of nutrient management.

  • Soil Sampling Overview - Why proper soil sampling techniques matter.

Scheduled University of Arkansas speakers include:

  • Trent Roberts, Assistant Professor - Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences.

  • Nathan Slaton (live via video) Assistant Professor - Crops, Soil and Environmental Sciences.

  • Chester Greub, PhD candidate in soil science.

For more information, contact the RREC at (870) 692-4445.

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